Useful Tips And Tricks

Saturday, 9 April 2016

How to setup an HTTP web server on a VPS running Debian

How to setup an HTTP web server on a VPS running Debian
How to setup Web server on VPS

Hi, this is my first tutorial on setting up a Web server on Debian. I think it will be useful for someone because  With 128MB RAM, I think it would be better if you install Nginx for webserver, PHP for generating dynamic page and MySQL for database management. I choose Nginx because it is lighter and have better performance than Apache.

This tutorial explains how to install and configure Nginx
1. Install Nginx
PHP Code:
sudo apt-get install nginx
sudo service nginx start  
Now if you point your browser to your IP address, it should confirm that nginx was successfully installed on your VPS.

2. Configure Nginx
With virtual host, you can host many site on 1 VPS. Here is how to configure it.
Open the default virtual host to edit. You can use many free tool to edit text in linux such as vi/vim/emacs... With the limited resource VPS, I recommend "nano".
PHP Code:
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default  
In this configuration file, you can config many virtual hosts as you want. A correct configured virtual host look like this:
PHP Code:
    location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

error_page 404 /404.html;

error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root /usr/share/nginx/www;
Now you can save and exit nano by press Ctr + X, it will ask you to save the edited file, save it.

Restart Nginx by:
PHP Code:
sudo service nginx restart  
and now you can browse to your web server using your domain name!

3, Install PHP
After installing Nginx as the post above, if you want to create dynamic web with VPS, here is the tutorial to help you install PHP.

Initial installation is simple with the apt-get command.

PHP Code:
sudo apt-get install php5-fpm  
And configure php to work with Nginx. Open
PHP Code:
sudo nano /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf  
Find the line:
PHP Code:
Find the linelisten  
change it to:
PHP Code:
listen = /var/run/php5-fpm.sock  
Save and Exit.
Change configuration of Nginx. Add these following lines to each virtual host
PHP Code:
# pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on
location ~ \.php$ {
try_files $uri =404;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
Restart php-fpm:
PHP Code:
sudo service php5-fpm restart  
You are done!. You can test your PHP by creating a simple file like this
PHP Code:
PHP Code:
 i Dont know it's useful For You Or not
 But It's useful For Someone

Top 10 USB drive / pen drive related problems and fixes

Top 10 USB drive / pen drive related problems and fixes:
How To Fix USB Problems

1... Computer Does Not Detect Pen Drive or USB Drive or i-pod:
This kind of problem is faced due to some bad registry settings. After you fix up the registry, the USB drive will work fine. To fix this issue,see this post.
2... Pen Drive or USB Mass storage device disabled at office or college or school:
At many offices and colleges, the IT people disable or block the use of pen drives. To enable the USB drive when it is blocked, see this post.
3... Problem in removing pen drive:
When you try to remove the pen drive via safely remove hardware option, it gives error “Generic volume can not be stopped right now”. It may damage your pen drive if it is removed without stopping it properly. To fix this error, read this post.
4... Protect computer from virus in pen drive:
Many of the deadly viruses spread easily through use of pen drive. To see the safety tips on how to protect the computer from virus infection by pen drive, see this post.
5... USB drive is detected, but not shown in My Computer:
This kind of problem is also seen in cases of conflict over drive letter assignment by windows. The drive is there and detected but without a valid drive letter assigned to it. See the fix to this problem here.
6... Problem in formatting pen drive:
Sometimes when you try to format the pen drive, you might see an error which says “Can not format the drive”. There can be several reasons for this. To fix this problem, see this post.
7... USB Device has Malfunctioned:
This one of the unusual warnings which you get sometimes, the solutions to this problems sounds silly, but it works, see the solution here.
8... Delayed Write failed error:
This is another kind of error which is more common with USB hard drives due to some error in File allocation table. This problem can be fixed by following few simple steps. See the fix here.
9... Disable data writing on pen drive:
This is one of the articles which tells you how you can stop data writing on your pen drive on a particular computer. This will save the drive from getting virus infections. See the post here.
10... Fixed SATA Drive shown in removable USB drive list:
This problem we have recently seen for many users. This is a kind for feature in a certain RAID configuration, but annoys many users. See the fix for this trouble here.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Write High Converting Product Descriptions for Your eCommerce Store

        Write High Converting Product Descriptions for Your                                             eCommerce Store

Commece is growing at an exponential rate across the globe. In the US alone, eCommerce sales are expected to top $20 trillion by 2020. To benefit from this growth trend, you need to ensure that your eCommerce store is fully optimized to attract visitors and convert them into buyers.
Among several other things, a key factor that impacts your e-commerce sales is the quality of your product descriptions.
It does the job that a well-qualified salesperson would do in a physical retail outlet, and is often the difference between potential buyers bouncing back from your website, and casual visitors turning into buyers.
So, what exactly constitutes a high quality and conversion focused product description?
If you follow these steps, creating a seductive product description won’t be that hard.

Identify Your Ideal Buyer Persona

Before you even start describing your product, you need to clearly identify your ideal buyer persona.
A buyer persona is a sample profile of your ideal buyer. This is the person for whom your product is important, and who is willing to spend money on it.
You need to list down the key characteristics of your ideal buyer so that you can clearly identify and target him while writing your product description.
A typical buyer persona includes details like the gender of your buyer, income bracket, career level, interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes, their problems that your product solves and the phrases and words they use to describe their problems etc.
The more detailed your buyer persona, the better.
Keep this imaginary buyer in mind while writing your product description.
As you move forward, make more sales and learn more about your buyers, you can keep improving this buyer persona and make the necessary adjustments to your product descriptions.

Focus on the Benefits of Your Product and the Problems It Solves

Perhaps the most frequent mistake I see in product descriptions is the unnecessary focus on product features.
Features are important, no question about it. But you need to show your potential buyers a direct relationship between your product features and the solution to their problems.
In other words, focus on the benefits of your product instead of its features. Always state the benefits of your product before its features.
For example, instead of directly listing the technical details on the resolution, pixels and display quality of a smartphone, tell your buyers how your smartphone brand allows users to read messages without screen glare, under sunlight, saving them from eye strain and headache.
This is just one example.
When you start writing a product description, first list down all its features separately. Now translate each feature into a benefit.
You’ll be surprised how powerful and convincing your product descriptions can become with this simple change of mindset.

Use Benefit Driven Images of Your Product

A winning product description is incomplete without relevant and high quality product images. Images become even more important when you have specialized products and not just some decorative items like furniture and LCDs.
For example Nielson conducted a study in which they compared the behaviors of two different sets of buyers looking for bookshelves and LCD TVs.
They noted that on average users spent almost 82% of their time reading the text description of the product, while 18% of the time was spent examining product images. However, images for bookshelves were examined in much more detail as compared to generic items like LCD TVs.
So if you have a specialized product, images become much more important.
But for maximum impact, make sure you add multiple product images with your product description.
Add images that demonstrate different practical uses of your product. Also add a few close up images of the product that give a good look of your product to the buyer.

Cut Down on Meaningless Statements and Jargon

What exactly are you telling your prospective buyer when you say your product has excellent quality?
Is a seller supposed to say anything else?
These are obvious statements that buyers usually ignore because no one describes their product as poor quality.
You need to cut down on these obvious statements and instead focus on highlighting the key benefits of your product that reflect high quality.
For example, nowhere in this product description will you find claims about product quality. Yet, the overall product description gives you a strong impression of high quality.
Instead of stating the obvious by claiming high quality standards, try highlighting why your product is high quality. Focus on its unique selling points (USPs) and tell the buyer why you’re a better choice.

Create Content That Can Be Scanned Easily

Modern day internet users are short on time, and usually skim through content instead of reading each and every word.
Writing your product descriptions as one large block of text discourages your buyers from reading it completely.
Instead, intelligently highlight the key areas of your product descriptions and segment your content properly. Make it easy to scan for your readers and help them find what they’re looking for.
To achieve this, use short paragraphs (2-3 lines) in your product descriptions, highlight important features and benefits by making them bold or italic, use bullet points, headings and sub headings etc.
The objective here is to make it as convenient as possible for your buyers to identify the key benefits they’re getting from your product.
A properly formatted product description can prove to be the difference between an unconvinced prospect and a potentially long term customer.

Optimize Your Product Descriptions for Search Engines

No matter what products you sell and which region you target, if you have an e-commerce store, search engine traffic is crucial for your sales.
So naturally, optimizing your product descriptions for search engines, is important.
But most of your potential customers are unaware of your brand name. They also don’t know the branded names of your products.
All they know is that they have a problem, and they need a solution for it.
That is why it is absolutely critical that you optimize your product descriptions around the needs of your customers, not the brand name of your product.
Use selected keywords in your product descriptions that your client use to describe their need.
Think from your buyer’s perspective and write in their language.
But make sure you don’t overuse keywords because that can kill your voice in the product description and make it less persuasive.

Wrapping Up

A product description is your sales pitch to potential buyers. You need to make it as persuasive, understandable and engaging as possible. By applying the techniques I’ve discussed in this post, I am sure you can make your product descriptions much more effective in the long run.
What are some of the other ways you have seen brands and e-commerce stores make product descriptions more persuasive?
I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

5 Best Free Weight Loss Apps for Android

        5 Best Free Weight Loss Apps for Android

MyFitnessPal is one of the most popular calorie counting app that helps you keep track of your daily food and beverage intake, as well as your workout. It features over 6 million foods in a searchable database that lets you easily add your food by searching manually or with barcode scanner. When you first set it up, you’ll need to enter some information about yourself including your date of birth, weight and height, as well as your goal weight and how much you want to lose each week.
The app then creates a custom plan for you, providing you with a calorie goal to work towards, which appears on the top of the diary page where you can add the food you eat, exercise and beverage intake. As you add, you’ll see the food calories being deducted and the exercise calories added so it’s easy to keep track.
5 Best Free Weight Loss Apps for Android
Lose It!
Lose it! is another popular weight loss app with millions of downloads. With this app, you can set your daily calorie budgets, track exercise and nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and fat. It will customize your weight loss plans that fits your lifestyle. It has huge food and exercise database to which you can connect when you install it on your device.
The best thing of this app is that you can get the motivation from your friends by sharing your progress with them. It suggest you some tips which needs to be followed like number of sleeping hours needed, foods with certain calories will be listed and many more like this. You can even challenge friends and keep track of each other via the app, making it competitive fun.
5 Best Free Weight Loss Apps for Android
Fooducate Weight Loss Coach
Fooducate is a free diet tracker app that works as a weight loss coach by helping users to make healthier food choices. It lets you scan the barcode on food products to get a quick health grade from A to D.
With this application, you can set your daily calorie intake and find out which foods are processed and have hidden unhealthy ingredients. This application is beneficial for anyone who trying to lose weight or live a healthy lifestyle because you can analyze the nutritional information based on the ingredient list and product nutrition facts.
5 Best Free Weight Loss Apps for Android
Diet Point
Diet Point is a calorie counter app that allows you to track your weight loss progress as well as get in touch with people who are trying to lose weight. The app provides more than 130 different weight loss plans to choose from depending on your specific situation. There’s also dedicated shopping lists for each plan to make things as easy as possible when you decide to follow a specific program.
In addition, it also offers more than 500 tips to improve your weight loss plan. A BMI calculator is included so you can check how healthy your weight is in relation to your height and there is a weight tracker and monitor on board too.
This app brings various innovative features like meal reminders, shopping lists, etc. You can participate within the communities and get touch with those who are also on the same track as you. These communities will really help keep you motivated in your weight loss journey.
5 Best Free Weight Loss Apps for Android
Noom Coach is an all-in-one app that provides a wide range of tools to help you lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. The app helps you lose weight by motivating you and teaching you health habits that needs to be followed to keep you fit forever. It starts a diet plan every day and you just need to follow that plan. You can log your meals and it gives the feedback of how it shows impact on your daily plan.
In order to motivate you, this app will give you high fives when you are succeeded in your diet plan and provide you tips when you miss out something. Noom Coach is a free app which offers combined tracking, coaching and community support.
5 Best Free Weight Loss Apps for Android

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5: Full Spec Comparison

      Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5: Full Spec Comparison

At this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, both Samsung and LG officially unveiled their much awaited flagship smartphones for 2016 – Samsung Galaxy S7 and LG G5. They’re both powerful smartphones that are packed with impressive specification and features. So how do these two flagship smartphones stack up against each other? Here’s a spec by spec comparison of the two incredible handsets.

Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5: Design

Like its predecessor, the Galaxy S7 comes with the same metal and glass design to the last year’s Galaxy S6, but with dual subtle curves on the back pane. The dual-curve back of the Galaxy S7 allows it to be more comfortable to hold than its predecessor, which is definitely a welcome change. Another thing that differentiates the old and new Galaxy model is that’s water and dust resistance. The Galaxy S7 has an IP68 rating, which means it will be more resistant than its predecessor.
Unlike Samsung Galaxy S7, LG G5 is a complete reinvention from the brand in terms of design and build quality. The new LG’s flagship phone uses a brand-new metal “unibody” design with a slide-out battery and ‘Modular Type’ design that allows user to attach various modules such as LG CAM Plus, LG Hi-Fi Plus with B&O PLAY, and more.
Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5 Comparison

Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5: Display

The S7 sports a 5.1-inch quad HD Super AMOLED display with a resolution of 2,560 x 1,440 pixels, while the G5 has a 5.3-inch Quad HD IPS display, also featuring a 2560 x 1440 pixels. This means that the LG G5 has larger display, but S7 has a sharper display with a few more pixels packed in per inch.

Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5: Processor and RAM

Both the Galaxy S7 and the G5 offer significant improvement in processing power compared to the last year’s flagship smartphones.
The Samsung Galaxy S7 is powered by either an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 or the Exynos 8890 octa-core processor, depending on the region or carrier, and 4GB of RAM. Consumers in the United States will be getting the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820-powered variant, while most other markets will be getting the Exynos 8890-powered variant.
Both the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 as well as the Exynos 8890 offer comparable performance and are a pretty significant upgrade over last year’s flagship mobile SoCs.
The LG G5 is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 chipset as well, making it a huge upgrade over the G4 in terms of performance. Both the devices are backed by 4GB of RAM.

Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5: Camera

Both phones get significant camera upgrades from their predecessors. While Samsung has reduced the megapixel counts in its new Galaxy S7’s rear camera from 16MP in the Galaxy S6 to 12MP. However, the company has increased the pixel size, which lets in a lot more light. There is also a wide F/1.7 aperture lens which offers ability to capture high qualityimages in low light conditions.
The LG G5 has two camera on the back: a standard 16-megapixel shooter and an 8-megapixel camera with a palaceoftricks wide-angle 135-degree lens. The wider lens lets you capture more in the picture, which is pretty useful for big scenic images. It’s also added some new features to the camera such as Pop-out Picture, Film Effect and Auto Shot. But what is more interesting is the LG G5’s modular design, which lets users add a Cam Plus to the smartphone, and convert it into a digital camera. The LG Cam Plus has physical buttons for shutter, record, zoom, LED indicator and comfortable grip, along with intuitive auto-focus and exposure lock. It gives the G5 an additional battery capacity of 1,200mAh when attached.
Both devices can shoot 4K video and each has its own dual-tone LED flash. For selfies, the Galaxy S7 sports a 5MP front camera with the same f/1.7 aperture lens, and the G5 houses an 8MP front-facing camera.
Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5 Comparison

Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5: Battery

The Galaxy S7 includes a 3,000mAh battery while the G5 has a 2,800mAh battery. The S7 wins when it comes to size by 7 percent, which might not seem like much. Moreover, Samsung has developed a special liquid cooling system to help keep systems cool, which could positively impact overall battery life,
LG G5, however, palaceoftricks has the advantage of featuring a removable battery. This means that you can carry extra batteries and never have to worry about running out of juice.
Both phones offer fast charging thanks to Qualcomm’s Quick Charge 3.0, but Samsung also offers fast wireless charging, which is 50% faster than normal wireless charging.

Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5: Operating System

Both Samsung Galaxy S7 and LG G5 come with Android 6.0 Marshmallow OS, but each has its own custom UI on top. Galaxy S7 runs the company’s TouchWiz UI. That said, Samsung has made some minor changes with Android 6.0 Marshmallow on the Galaxy S7, such as redesigned app icons and a slightly different color scheme in some apps.
The LG G5 on the other hand is running the LG UX 5.0. The latest iteration of LG’s custom Android skin has is leaner than ever before, with minimal additions. Aside from tweaks such as custom home screen animations and the lack of an app drawer, it is pretty close to stock Android.
Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5 Comparison

Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5: Storage

Addressing a major complaint that most Galaxy S6 owners had against Samsung, the company has decided to re-introduce memory expansion on the Galaxy S7, which can be further expanded by up to 200GB. The smartphone is available in 32GB and 64GB internal storage capacity.
Similar to the G4, the G5 comes with just 32GB of internal storage. It’s also expandable via a built-in microSD card slot. But while Samsung’s maxes out at 200GB, the G5 can add up to a whopping 2TB.

The table below provides a more detailed comparison between Samsung Galaxy S7 and LG G5.
ModelSamsung Galaxy S7LG G5
Operating SystemAndroid Marshmallow 6.0 with TouchwizAndroid Marshmallow 6.0 with LG UX
Dimensions142.4 × 69.6 × 7.9mm149.4 × 73.9 × 7.7mm
Screen size5.1 inches5.3 inches
Display2,560 × 1,440 pixels Quad HD Super AMOLED, 577 ppi2,560 × 1,440 pixels Quad HD Quantum IPS LCD, 554 ppi
ProcessorQuad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 820Quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 820
Rear CameraDual Pixel 12MP with OIS and f/1.7 aperture rear cameraDual lenses – 16MP main and 8MP wide-angle (135 degrees) with OIS rear camera
Front Camera5MP with f/1.7 aperture front camera8MP front camera
Internal Storage32 / 64GB + microSD( up to 200GB)32GB + microSD (up to 2TB)
BatteryNon-removable Li-Po 3000 mAhRemovable Li-Po 2800 mAh
Connectivity4G LTE, HSPA+, USB 2.0, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth 4.2, NFC4G LTE, HSPA+, USB Type C, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth 4.2, NFC
Color availabilityBlack Onyx, Gold platinum, Silver titanium and White pearl.Silver, Titan, Gold, and Pink
Extra Features
  • Fast wireless charging
  • IP68 water and dust protection
  • Expansion mudules – LG Cam Plus, LG Hi-Fi Plus with B&O Play, etc


The Galaxy S7 is a refined version of last year’s GS6 design with the addition of a microSD memory card slot and an IP68 rating. If you liked its predecessor, but found it lacking in these areas, the Galaxy S7 may be the perfect smartphone for you.
On the flip side, LG is trying to create a whole new ecosystem to complement the G line. The LG G5 features a new modular design with a metal uni-body that enables users to attach various additional parts to give it additional functions. If you love innovation then LG G5 is the right phone for you.

How to Find and Reinstall Uninstalled Android Apps in Google Play Store

                    How to Find and Reinstall Uninstalled Android Apps in Google Play Store

With over millions of apps available on the play store, we often install plenty of apps or games to check them out and Uninstall them when they are no longer needed. But what if you happen to want an uninstalled app or game back, and you forgot the name? Looking for that app on Play store would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Fortunately,Google Play Store has an option to let you see all of your uninstalled apps, alongside the installed ones.
To access it, open the Google Play Store app and tap on the ‘menu’ button (the three lines on the upper left-hand corner). When the menu is revealed, tap on ‘My Apps & Games’.
On this page, you will see two sections: Installed and All. Go to the “All” section. Here you can see all the apps and games, both installed and uninstalled, on your smartphone. Apps that have been uninstalled are marked as “FREE”.
If you do find an app that you want to recover, simply tap on it, and you will be taken to the app page where you can reinstall it.
If you no longer want an uninstalled app to be on the ;ist, you can remove it by taping on the ‘X’ button that you can see in its upper right corner.

How To Use Two WhatsApp Accounts in A Single Android Phone

How To Use Two WhatsApp Accounts in A Single Android Phone

Hello fellow followers and blog readers i have decided to bring something useful information to you guys by writing some tutorials, tips and tricks so you guys can make full out of your Android phones. And believe you are going to love whatever i have planned to post. It’s me Riaz Hussain and i will be writing these kinda posts frequently whenever i get spare times so make sure to check Tips and Trick Site whenever you want to.
This Time i am going to show you how to use two Application Accounts in a single Android phone. you guy have been wanting to use two applications in a single Android phones but what if you can use that single application but with two accounts in there? like you are using a whatsapp and you want to Another number in same whatsapp application, now you can do those things using an Application that requires no Root Permission at all. and that’s Parallel Space-Multi Accounts. using this application you can simply use two accounts in any of the Application of games. like let’s have an example i am playing Clash Of Clans, basically everyone does this time we are more bonded with the clash royale though. you have two accounts in Clash OF Clan or Clash Royale and you are changing accounts frequently using your Google IDs it must be tired. but using Parallel Space you can simply switch your game IDs easily.
Simply Get the Parallel Space from play store or from the link down below and install it
Open the APP and select APPLICATION which you want to use
Once you have selected the app, that particular app will appear in the Parallel Space Application
Now what you have to do is just open that Parallel Space and open that application that’s it and you are good to go
Next Big Point about this app is its clean, no advertisements , no IAPs and no adwares at all. Its completely clean and you can trust on it. so go and use your Two Whatsapp accounts in your single Android phone or switch gaming accounts easily. and yes if you already know about this app then ignore it. It’s not for you. well enjoy it and wait for more tutorials which is coming soon. so stay tuned.
Download Links: